what to do on dates
In this article

When you’re in a long-term relationship, it can feel like there’s nowhere to go in Singapore for dates anymore. You’ve done movies, dinner, picnics, touristy places like USS and the Zoo, and you’ve walked the Orchard to Dhoby Ghaut stretch so many times you can tell when a new shop pops up. Going out for dates even feels like a chore sometimes.

We spoke to 8 Singaporean millennial couples to see how they deal with (the burden of) planning dates. Hopefully, their dating habits inspire you in keeping it fresh for your relationship!

1. Jacky & Li Ru, Together for 2 months

what to do on dates
How often do you guys go on dates?

Once a week.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

We go on food hunts and movie dates. We signed up for GuavaPass so we’ll go on weekly exercise dates too. We also had a fun gaming outing where we played PS4 recently.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We’ll just meet, eat, and walk around where we eat at. Sometimes, you don’t have to have a “destination” in mind, it’s the company.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

The company.

– Jacky

2. Zafirah & Farhan, Together for 6 months

what to do on dates

How often do you guys go on dates?

We meet each other about 2 to 3 times a week, depending on our schedules.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

We usually just eat. We like to explore new makan places that we saw on Facebook or if there’s any good food deals. Besides eating, we like to walk around or find a spot to sit and talk. Or watch movies, go bowling, and most recently, sing karaoke!

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We’ll just park the car somewhere and talk while listening to music. I actually enjoy spending time like this.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

Honestly it’s not about where you go or what you do, but the person you’re with. if you’re with good company, you’re guaranteed a good time. It’s also important for us to be 100% present on dates instead of fiddling with our phones.

– Zafirah

3. Justinn & Danessa, Together for 8 months

what to do on dates

How often do you guys go on dates?

Almost everyday.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

We go thrift shopping and movies or eat. Otherwise we just stay home and chill.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

Stay at home or spend time with each other’s family, or find our friends to hangout together.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

Just being with each other.

– Justinn

4. Alanna & Kar Liang, Together for 2.5 years

what to do on dates
How often do you guys go on dates?

If you mean how often we meet up or go out, one or two times a week.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

When we meet on weekends we will plan our day around a place we want to eat at, or something we want to see or need to buy. If there are any good movies, we’ll watch it. When we don’t feel like doing much, we just go out for a relaxing cup of coffee.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We’ll list out as many ideas as we can and then narrow them down until we decide on something.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

Taking turns to do things that your partner wants to do, and being comfortable to just do nothing together sometimes!

– Alanna

5. Daniel & Natasha, Together for 2.5 years

what to do on dates
How often do you guys go on dates?

Not as often as when we first started dating, but we do make an effort to go out once in awhile. Maybe once or twice a month.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

I like to plan surprise dates for her occasionally, just because I know she loves that. It’ll usually be a nice restaurant because we eat cheap normally, so it’s like a treat. On a more regular basis, we’ll either catch a movie or check out an exhibition at the gallery or museum.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

I’m quite a “cheapo” so sometimes when we have no idea what to do, I’ll check discount apps or find 1-for-1 deals to help pick out a restaurant. There are other apps or websites too that help recommend date ideas.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

I think the most important is that we both enjoy doing things that both of us can appreciate together. Of course, we enjoy each other’s company as well!

– Daniel

6. Melissa & Andy, Together for 2.5 years

what to do on dates
How often do you guys go on dates?

We date occasionally since both of us are really busy, but weekend hangouts are a must.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

Dates are always food-fuelled. Besides that, it’s movies and window shopping.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We do stay-home dates since it’s all about spending time together.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

Definitely the company. It can be a trip to some kopitiam but the experience will still be great for the both of us.

– Melissa

7. Marie & Leslie, Together for 2.5 years

what to do on dates
How often do you guys go on dates?

At least once a week.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

We usually watch movies or bring my nephew out to places like the goat farm, frog farm or neighbourhood playgrounds.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We usually meet our friends to play board games, PS4, or workout together.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?


– Marie

8. Anmol & Wayne, Together for 4 years

what to do on dates

How often do you guys go on dates?

Twice a week.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

It’ll just be dinner on a weekday. On a weekend, we’ll usually catch a movie or window shop in town. We’ll go for events or carnivals if there are but we won’t spend, we just like to see stuff. We’ll also catch the free performances at Esplanade outdoor theatre sometimes.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We usually wait until the last minute and someone will end up suggesting something after Googling.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

Spending quality time and catching up on things that happened in the week. It’s a bonus if we get to do something or go somewhere new.

– Anmol

9. Victoria & Beng Kiong, Together for 6.5 years

what to do on dates
How often do you guys go on dates?

About once or twice a week.

Where do you guys go or what do y’all do on dates?

When we first started dating, we would go on ‘running’ dates at MacRitchie because we knew each other from Track & Field. These days, just having dinner at a nice restaurant is good enough for us.

What do you do when you don’t know what to do/where to go for dates?

We keep suggesting things until we can agree on something. Otherwise, we usually head to the nearest park for a walk like what your grandfather and grandmother would do on Sunday mornings.

What’s the most important thing when it comes to dates?

I think we’re lucky to share many common interests despite our contrasting personalities. It does get boring after doing the same thing for so many years so trying new things is important. For example, I was introduced to bouldering by a friend and I thought it was fun, so I roped him in to try it with me.

– Victoria

It’s Not The Place, It’s The Person

Instead of lamenting how there’s nothing to do in our tiny island, make it fun for yourself and your partner in your own ways! As these 3 other couples shared in our earlier video, there’s always new things and events that are happening around Singapore.

And on days where you really have no idea what to do, just Google. There are a ton of suggestions online, like this listicle on 100 Best Things to do in Singapore.

Step out of your comfort zone and try new stuff! Who knows, you might stumble upon a new favourite hangout or even a new hobby that both of you can enjoy together.

Also read, 12 Things Singapore Couples Do That Singles Buay Tahan.