When you’re in love, everything is beautiful.
Even the weirdest habits and tiniest idiosyncrasies seem cute to you – the way they snort every time they laugh, the hair growing awkwardly out of one of their moles… Heck, even a deathly fart from them can make you laugh.
That said, what keeps a relationship alive is the actions partners do for each other to keep that fire burning.
We asked 15 millennials about the sweetest thing(s) their partners have done for them. Here are their stories.
1. “He was my glorified hair band”
I was really sick one day and he came over to make me feel better. Really sick like stomach flu, fever, diarrhoea, vomiting – the whole enchilada. It took him about 40 minutes to drive all the way from Bukit Batok to Pasir Ris just to be my glorified hair band, holding my hair and rubbing my back while I threw up. And the thing is, this happened at 4am in the morning!
At the time, I didn’t want him seeing me in the state I was in – the pathetic whimpering, the contents of my vomit and all. But he said even if he didn’t see me at my worse then, he would in the future. He even cracked a joke, saying we must buy a flat that’s not so ‘ulu’ and with a 24-hr clinic nearby.
That night, he was my bed warmer, tucking me in, holding me close and patting me to sleep before bringing me to the clinic in the morning.
– Samantha
2. “He walked around to ‘test’ my balloon”
The other day at i Light Marina Bay, he won me a huge, super cute teddy bear balloon. But it kept deflating, so we thought there was a hole on it somewhere. I got really upset, so he went to exchange it while I waited. It took him so long!
Turns out he went to exchange it 5 times! He exchanged it, and then walked around to ‘test’ the balloon. The first four times, the air escaped, and he kept going back to change it because he knew I would be sad if I got a defective balloon.
– Nur’Ain
3. “He makes my safety his priority”
He sends me home whenever we go out, regardless of the time and place. We’re both working adults with a decreasing supply of energy, so workday dinners are both a sweet and tiring affair. There was once when he was so drained from a full day of work events that he fell asleep standing on the train! I kept telling him to go home, but he stubbornly refused through his sleepy eyes and all.
It’s a simple gesture, but him sacrificing his precious rest time just to make sure I always get home safe is really sweet.
– Melissa
4. “He sings me sweet lullabies”
Ever since the song ‘All Of Me’ was released in 2013, it has been my favourite jam and I find the lyrics very sweet and meaningful. At the end of our nightly phone calls, he always sings that song to me to lull me to sleep (it works by the way!). I think he may have gotten lazier over time though, because nowadays, he only sings the chorus. But the fact that even after more than 5 years of dating, he still sings me to sleep? I think it’s very sweet!
– Zaf
5. “She splurged on me”
On Valentine’s Day, she surprised me with a pretty expensive watch.
I have a watch I usually wear when I go out, but it was spoilt, so I stopped wearing it. We are both saving up to get married, so I was surprised that she splurged on that watch for me. It’s sweet to me because she makes my needs a priority despite having to save up for our big day.
– Julian
6. “She thinks of my family”
She always thinks of me and my family whenever she goes overseas. She brings snacks and bits back for them, even if it’s a short trip. I remember how one time, she bought durians for my parents (I hate durians by the way) because she knew they like eating them.
The fact that she has me and my family at the back of her mind when doing things is what makes it very sweet.
– Ming Da
7. “She made me a lucky charm”
I was going for an important English exam and she made a good luck charm for me: a handmade paper-craft that could be tied to the key chain I use.
She knew I was unprepared and all tensed up, so it was her way of helping calm my nerves. She probably took a whole day to make it, and that’s a heartwarming thought.
– Vincent
8. “We look good for each other”
When many couples are together for a long time, they tend to get comfortable and stop doing what they used to for each other. However, she’s different.
To me, the sweetest thing is that she always dresses up to look pretty whenever we meet. It’s not that she doesn’t look good when she doesn’t dress up, it’s more about the effort she consistently puts in. I really appreciate it and I do the same for her – this way, we always look forward to seeing each other.
– Lawrence
9. “It’s in the little things”
There is no one sweetest thing, but rather many little random acts which are all equally sweet.
For example, during dinner, she always puts food on my plate first. And because we have different work schedules, sometimes we may not get to see each other for a few days. But almost every day, she will text to say ‘good morning’, and this is 6 years plus into our relationship! These little gestures actually do mean a lot, even if they don’t seem like much.
– Kelvin
10. “He got the hint”
He surprised me with flowers during Valentine’s Day this year. This is the first time ever, because I told him I didn’t like flowers last time, so he never gave any. A month before Valentine’s, I told him that actually flowers are quite nice, just that they will probably die quickly in my hands.
So on Valentine’s Day, he came to fetch me from my place and there he was, waiting in his car with the flowers and he used Facebook live to capture the moment.
– Naomi
11. “She sacrifices her sleep for me”
I work as a photographer for weddings and events and often come home late after shoots. The sweetest thing shes does is cook supper for me, which sometimes is really my dinner. This is in the middle of the night, when she is already about to sleep, and she has to wake up early for work the next morning .
– Clement
12. “She still gives me morning calls”
We’ve been together for more than 4 years, and she still gives me morning calls to wake me up for work. There are times when I have to wake up really early as I shoot weddings, and she’d be my very reliable human alarm clock.
She would set her own alarm to wake up at 4am in the morning to call me, just to ensure I don’t oversleep and be late for my shoot. This is even when she has her own work commitments from 10am to 11pm that same day.
– Ivan
13. “He makes me feel safe”
One night, my sister told me she could feel a ghostly presence in my room. I was so scared I couldn’t sleep and I sobbed. That’s when my then boyfriend (now husband) called me and asked what he could do to make me feel better. I didn’t reply and continued crying, until I heard him strumming on his guitar.
He started singing praise and worship songs in an attempt to calm me down. He assured me that God would be there to protect me no matter what and that he would keep on singing until I fell asleep – and that’s exactly what he did.
– Dorothy
14. “He made me a dream catcher”
One of the sweetest and most thoughtful things my partner has done for me is learn how to weave a dream catcher.
I used to have a lot of nightmares and on one of our anniversaries, he made one for me. Hanging the handmade dream catcher above my bed, he told me it was to catch all my bad dreams. Just imagine a man weaving a dream catcher! And this is coming from a man who doesn’t even usually do handicraft work.
– Patrina
15. “He waited 3 hours for me”
A few years ago, when I was doing my internship, I was suddenly dragged into a last minute meeting that lasted past 9pm. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend at 6pm at a mall nearby for dinner, but I couldn’t tell him I was in a meeting because I didn’t have my phone on me.
When I left, I expected to go home alone but he was standing outside my office waiting this whole time! I was really touched because I was so drained from the long day, and him being there just made everything better. These acts of sweetness mean so much more to me than grand gestures and extravagant gifts.
– Venessa
While these may not be the grandest of gestures, one thing’s for sure: the littlest of actions can brighten up the day of the one you love.
What are some of the sweetest things YOUR partners have done? Let us know in the comments!
*Some names have been changed for privacy reasons.
(Top Image Credit: Douglas Lin)